Our Vision, Mission & Values

Our Vision
Health and well-being services that change people’s lives through care, education, culture and community. To help develop their English skills which would develop their confidence, self-esteem, conversation and speaking skills, tackle social isolation and mental health.

Our Mission Statement
Every week we will work towards improving quality of life and making a positive difference through the delivery of our Care, Culture and Community focussed services.
Through working collaboratively with partners we will ensure:
Wellbeing by:
Showing warmth, kindness and treating everyone as important in their own right.
Taking families with their children and individual on residential trips.
Organising and celebrating our achievements on each school break and half-term.
Education by:
delivering the courses and workshops which they are in need to.
Taking families with their children and individual on educational residential trips.
Partnering with course providers to register service users on various courses.
Partnering with local charities to provide affordable education.
Culture by:
Valuing and celebrating identity and evolving and adapting to changing national policies and circumstances.
By bringing people from different culture together and learn from one another.
Community by:
Believing that everyone should have a sense of belonging and connection within a community
Make everyone feels welcome, heard and valued.

Our Values
​We believe in:
Achieving high quality and standards
Delivering services with integrity, respect and compassion
Showing pride in what we do, how we do it and what we achieve

How will we achieve this?
By working with individuals and organisations across a range of issues to achieve goals and improve quality of life
By providing culturally sensitive services to Migrants, Refugees and asylum seekers of any nationality and religion
By supporting people to access suitable courses
By supporting older people to live fulfilling lives
By supporting people on their journey to integrate, socialize, learn and gain experience in UK
By helping to reduce social isolation and improve well-being for members of our community
By enabling people to access the range of support needed to help them live independently
By helping develop their English skills which would develop their confidence, self-esteem, conversation and speaking skills, tackle social isolation and mental health.